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Your child can watch videos on youtube without your help.

What is so special about KidsTube? - - the ins and outs!

For example:

- SAFE: Using Youtube safe search.
- FAST: No more than two clicks to watch a video.
- CONTINUOUS: When watching a video, touch screen does not respond.
- AUTOMATIC: Back to the videos list automatically when the video ends.
- MIX: Animals, Shows, Music, Learning
- CUSTOMIZE: Choose a favorite icons for your child, Language, Holidays songs.
- CLEAN: Minimum text on the screen.
- Timer: Limit the time your child uses the app.


KidoTube displays search results from YouTube using the safe search function build in youtube. 
In addition we using an algorithm to adjust the results for children but there is no guarantee.

Icon made by Freepik from
Used icons:

KidoTube was designed to allow children to search Youtube for movies and music using icons and without typing.


search YouTube for kids

Android App

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